Artist Residencies, 2023

Concerto Ottolini Lucia
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September 2022 - May 2023

Historic Homes and the Italian Landscape as a Source of Inspiration to Bring the Journey of Discovering Beauty into Contemporary Times.
After the successful collaboration during the unveiling of the statue of Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, Le Dimore del Quartetto, Galleria Rubin, and the Brivio Sforza Foundation wish to continue the important momentum generated by the Cristina 150 project, reaffirming their commitment to a new activity that extends the collaboration to the prestigious Cambi Casa D'Aste: young contemporary artists experience the timeless journey of the artist residency.
For the first edition, through 13 artists selected by Galleria Rubin, the opportunities and challenges related to an artistic residency for a period limited to one week were tested, as already implemented with the musicians of Le Dimore del Quartetto.
Thanks to this project, historic homes and the Italian landscape become a source of inspiration to bring the discovery journey of Italian beauty into contemporary times, seeking to recreate in a modern key a kind of Grand Tour.


Between September and October 2022, thirteen contemporary figurative artists—painters, illustrators, and sculptors from all over Italy—selected by the Artistic Direction of Galleria Rubin, were hosted for one week of artistic residency in a home from the Le Dimore del Quartetto network. Each artist, thanks to a Scholarship offered by the Brivio Sforza Foundation, created sketches and preparatory studies for the final works in the studio.
Following the typical formula adopted by Le Dimore del Quartetto for the artistic residencies of musicians, each artist donated a work created during the residency as a sign of gratitude for the hospitality received:

  • Image
    Tommaso Ottieri

    3-11 settembre: Mattia Savini a Casa Arcasio (AL)

  • 5-11 settembre: Mauro Baio a Casa Lajolo (TO)
  • 12-18 settembre: Chiara Dattola e Marta Jorio a Villa Albertini (AO)
  • 21-28 settembre: Nicola Piscopo al Castello di Montoro (TR)
  • 25-27 settembre: Vanni Cuoghi a Villa Dosi Delfini (MS)
  • 26-30 settembre: Cecilia Sammarco a Casale Sant'Eusebio (Roma)
  • 3-9 ottobre: Jacopo Ginanneschi a Villa Allen (CO)
  • 10-14 ottobre: Andrej Mussa al Mulino di Rovezzano (Firenze)
  • 10-17 ottobre: Raffaele Minotto a Palazzo Brancadoro (Fermo)
  • 20-24 ottobre: Paolo Amico a Mandranova (AG)
  • 20-24 ottobre: Paola Margherita a Masseria Spina (BA)
  • 24-30 ottobre: Tommaso Ottieri al Relais Monastero Santa Teresa (LE)

Oltre ai bozzetti donati ai proprietari, le residenze hanno condotto alla realizzazione di 26 opere da parte degli artisti. La produzione Iè stata presentata in una mostra collettiva al Centro Culturale di Milano dal 27 aprile al 9 maggio 2023 e messa all’asta nel cortile di Palazzo Brivio Sforza a Milano il 10 maggio 2023, grazie alla preziosa collaborazione pro bono di Cambi Casa d’Aste. Un concerto del Quartetto Goldberg ha accompagnato gli ospiti alla visione delle opere.

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