The Fondazione promotes studies and cultural events involving scholars, artists and national and international institutions in order to enhance the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the Brivio Sforza, Barbiano di Belgiojoso d'Este and Trivulzio families. The Palazzi Brivio Sforza and Belgiojoso in Milan and the Villa Belgiojoso Brivio Sforza in Merate are central to the planning of the activities.
Fondazione Brivio Sforza promotes and organises presentations of new volumes and documents in the Foundation's archives. The dissemination and diffusion of these works is one of the main objectives to disseminate and hand down the history and cultural heritage of the Brivio Sforza, Trivulzio and Barbiano di Belgiojoso d'Este families by making it available to the general public as well as to historians and researchers.